My question is about how can I setup my Cloud storage bucket to retrieve data from my Campaign Manager account. I aim to process Camapaign report data in Big query, combining them with others data sources. So in the documentation, it seems that it is possible with Transfert Data utility but I need before to store data files in a Cloud bucket and then it will be possible to use Data Transfer to get the data in BigQuery. So how can I get Campaign Manager Data in a Google Cloud Storage?
Have you already tried following this documentation to setup BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Campaign manager? In the Before you begin section you'll need to contact either your campaign manager reseller or the campaign manager support to setup the Campaign Manager DTv2 files.
After completing this step, you will receive a Cloud Storage bucket name similar to the following: dcdt_-dcm_account123456
After doing this, you may now complete the rest of the documentation.