I want to know how to make aggregation on my loopback query I am using MySQL as the database I have a record like this in my DB -
{ 'app_name': 'chrome', 'duration' : 10000 }, { 'app_name': 'WhatsApp', 'duration' : 25000 } and so on
note that duration is in milliseconds. I am using angular 7 as front end and I want to make loopback query to sum the duration of my all records, right now I am making a query like -
.then(apps => {
let result = apps.reduce((app, total) = {
total += app.duration;
return total
}, 0)
.catch(err => {
However, with this approach, I can get the sum of the duration but if I have millions of records than its not a scalable solution like iterating from millions of records and then sum the duration. I want to know if there is aggregation in loopback query for MySQL. I want a query like -
aggregation: {
sum: 'duration'
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
something like that.
LoopBack does not support aggregations yet. My recommendation is to write a custom controller method that will execute a custom SQL query to aggregate the results.
// in your controller
export class MyController {
@repository(AppRepository) protected appRepo: AppRepository
) {}
// default CRUD methods scaffolded by lb4
// custom method
getDurations() {
return this.appRepo.getAggregatedDurations();
// in your AppRepository
export class AppRepository extends DefaultCrudRepository<
typeof App.prototype.id,
> {
@inject('datasources.db') dataSource: juggler.DataSource,
// ...
) {
super(App, dataSource);
// ...
// add a new method
async getAggregatedDurations(): Promise<number> {
// A mock-up SQL query, you may need to tweak it
const result = await this.execute('SELECT SUM(duration) as total_duration FROM Apps');
// I am not entirely sure what's the shape of result object,
// you have to find out yourself how to access "total_duration" field
return result[0].total_duration;
See also API Docs for execute
method: https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/apidocs.repository.executablerepository.execute.html and LoopBack 3.x documentation: https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb3/Executing-native-SQL.html