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How to use Fluid cObject data in Typoscript

I have following fluid script to insert a typoscript lib:

<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.artteaser" data="{imgclass: 'img-cover'}"/>

I want to use the "data" parameter in a typoscript within FILES.renderObj for the wrap as a css class - the following is what I've tried so far, but it didnt work.

lib.artteaser = COA
lib.artteaser {

    wrap = <section><div class="container"><div class="row cover-teaserbox">|</div></div></section>

    10 = CONTENT
    10 {
        table = tt_content
        select {

        renderObj = COA
        renderObj {

            wrap = <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-3 cover-teaserbox-item">|</div>

            10 = FILES
            10 {

                references {

                renderObj = IMAGE
                renderObj {
           = file:current:uid
           = file:current:crop
                    file.treatIdAsReference = 1
           = file:current:title

                    # the following did not work
                    stdWrap.dataWrap = <div class="cover-teaserbox-item-img {field:imgclass}">|</div>

                    stdWrap.typolink {
                        parameter.field =  pid

                maxItems = 1






Can somebody give me a hint to get this to work? Thank you in advance!


  • Everytime you use current or field:* or data = * you need to consider context.

    On entering your TS object you have all your 'parameters' as current context. but as soon as you build a menu or work on records (CONTENT) the single record (page record in case of menus) is the current context.

    In your case you can store your parameter to a register and use it later.

    lib.artteaser = COA
    lib.artteaser {
        5 = LOAD_REGISTER
        5 {
            imageClass.field = imgclass
        10 = CONTENT
        10 {
                   stdWrap.dataWrap = <div class="cover-teaserbox-item-img {register:imageClass}">|</div>