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How to add SAML2 service provider with SingleLogoutService URL to jumpcloud?

I am working on a Asp.Net MVC Web applications. We have requirement to implemented SSO and SLO. My applications (at least 2 applications) are acting as service provider (SP) and I am using Jumpcloud as Identity Provider (IdP). I want to add application on jumpcloud using SAML with service provider SingleLogoutService URL. But there is no option to add SingleLogoutService URL on Jumpcloud.

How do I add SingleLogoutService URL for an application on Jumpcloud? How do I get SingleLogoutService URL of Jumpcloud (Identity Provider)? The export metadata on Jumpcloud do not have SingleLogoutService.

I am using ComponentSpace for SSO and using low-level APIs. SSO has been already implemented and it is working fine.

Sample IdP metadata exported from Jumpcloud

Removed data for brevity urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:nameid-format:unspecified


  • I am not sure whether JumpCloud supports SLO or not. I posted a request for SLO featuer and not received any reply yet.

    While googling I found following URL which can be setup as SLO URL:

    However I am not sure it will work or not.

    Since I don't want to spend more time on research, so I switch to Okta, and Okta support Single Logout.