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migration from mysql to nosql database in production without code change and mysql without foreign keys and indexes

i have two scenarios here :

  1. migrating mysql database to nosql without code change(no orms are used)
  2. using no foriegn keys and indexes in mysql(because they want to migrate to different database in future) 3.all this done by very less code change

these questions are asked by my team lead. so i dont have a answer to give him properly because i feel it very unlikely to do mysql with no indexes and foreign keys and first of all if they are not meant to use mysql.then why they choose that.

  1. i want to know that people do like this in software industries ofently or they will choose on their need fits correctly
  2. they are saying that foreign key validitations are done by api level not by mysql level

i dont understand them becasue i have less experience so i dont have an answer why they are saying like this. please give me some insight to this that if this is a good practice or not ?


  • I don't think it will be possible without adding code - you need to implement how your data is managed by your nosql dB engine in some way. If the project is coded with a clear separation of business logic and database code, it's a simple matter of using the new database implementation instead of the old one. If that is not the case and your db implementation leaked into your business logic, then it will not be possible to switch without changing code. Depending on the size of the code base it might /will most likely be too expensive.

    If you want to see an example of a clean separation of dB logic from business logic, have a look at this repository: (this is not my repository, I just stumbled upon it today)

    If you want to learn and understand the principles driving that design, start by looking for "clean architecture" and/or "Domain Driven Design" - the first one is easier to understand in my opinion and there are some talks on YouTube by Robert C. Martin that you can have a look at before buying some books.

    Edit: The project I'm working on at the moment did change from postgresql running on rds to dynamodb using a different repository without changing any existing business logic. It saves a lot of money that way. So yes, changing the db backend does happen and is driven by requirements.

    In addition to that, when I start working on a new feature set/micro service/bounded context I usually start with a simple in memory repository implementation that's using a map. After I'm done with the initial set of use cases, I know more about the db requirements and choose the db engine based on these and the general requirement to limit the number of different technologies in use.