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How to restrict COD for certain category

Sorry if this topic has been asked before. I'm new with opencart. How can I configure a payment method for example Cash on Delivery with different category. Lets say there are 2 categories, A and B. Only Cash on Delivery is available with category A when customer wants to checkout.

What need to be changed in the cod.php? I'm using Opencart Version

Thank you.

Found this code before which when a product has weight above 1 then disable cod.

IN: /catalog/model/payment/cod.php

AFTER: public function getMethod($address, $total) {

ADD: if ($this->cart->getWeight() > 1) return;


  • you can do using this module :

    if hardcoded ok then you can add this code on :

    IN: /catalog/model/payment/cod.php

    //category cod validation
            $VALIDATE=[1,123,12,112,346]; // add your category id here
            $products = $this->cart->getProducts();
            foreach ($products as $cart) {
                $query = $this->db->query("SELECT category_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "product_to_category WHERE product_id = '" . (int)$cart['product_id'] . "'");
                foreach($query->rows as $cart_data){
                    if( in_array($cart_data['category_id'] , $VALIDATE) )