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Silly Ruby Currency

Im using Jruby (thats ruby anyway, running under jvm :D ) with marathon test (a java swing app) and im having a little trouble handling currency numbers.

I dont use Rails (dont know if i can use rails even with marathon) and i dont know / didnt found HOW to convert a string to a decimal or a double.

My code with maraton is something like this

$saldoDisponivel = get_p("", "Text")

In other words, saldoDisponivel gets a string (ex: 3.232,20). I also have another string valor = "100,00" and when i do

$saldoDisponivel = $saldoDisponivel + valor 

Of course i get 3.232,20100,00 (add 2 strings

I though ruby could handle those kind stuff more easly.. in java i would convert those on BigDecimails (using java.math.BigDecimal) but on pure Ruby, dont know how.

Thks in advance.


  • You should use BigDecimal in ruby as well so that you don't have any floating point errors:

    require 'bigdecimal'
    x = '3232.20'
    y = '100.00'
    xb = x
    yb = y
    r = xb + xy
    > r.to_s('F')
     => "3332.2"