Im using Jruby (thats ruby anyway, running under jvm :D ) with marathon test (a java swing app) and im having a little trouble handling currency numbers.
I dont use Rails (dont know if i can use rails even with marathon) and i dont know / didnt found HOW to convert a string to a decimal or a double.
My code with maraton is something like this
$saldoDisponivel = get_p("", "Text")
In other words, saldoDisponivel gets a string (ex: 3.232,20). I also have another string valor = "100,00" and when i do
$saldoDisponivel = $saldoDisponivel + valor
Of course i get 3.232,20100,00 (add 2 strings
I though ruby could handle those kind stuff more easly.. in java i would convert those on BigDecimails (using java.math.BigDecimal) but on pure Ruby, dont know how.
Thks in advance.
You should use BigDecimal in ruby as well so that you don't have any floating point errors:
require 'bigdecimal'
x = '3232.20'
y = '100.00'
xb = x
yb = y
r = xb + xy
> r.to_s('F')
=> "3332.2"