I've already found this answer on how to check the Indy version at run-time, and there are multiple different ways. However I'm looking how to use conditionals to check the Indy version at compile-time. There's a feature in newer versions of Indy, and I want my open-source project to use this feature if it's available. But I need to conditionally compile it.
I've found IdVers.inc
, but this file only contains constants - no version conditionals.
More specifically, the TIdHTTP
has a property HTTPOptions
which has a new choice hoWantProtocolErrorContent
. If this is available, I'd like to use it.
How can I conditionally use this option if it's available?
I think you can get the result you're wanting to achieve using the
{$if declared ...
construct. There is an example of its usage in SysInit.Pas in the rtl:
function GetTlsSize: Integer;
{$IF defined(POSIX) and defined(CPUX86) and (not defined(EXTERNALLINKER))}
// Use assembler code not to include PIC base gain
MOV EAX, offset TlsLast
Result := NativeInt(@TlsLast);
{$IF DECLARED(TlsStart)}
Result := Result - NativeInt(@TlsStart);
As well as the article I mentioned in a comment, $If Declared, there is also this in the D2009 online help.
$if declared
works with methods of classes, e.g.
procedure TMyClass.DoSomething;
{$if declared(TMyClass.Added)} // Added being a procedure of TMyClass