I am developing a CLI tool using OCLIF Framework and TypeScript, I have command that returns all the values from the database , Everything works fine until the retrieval , How ever I wanted the retrieved data to be displayed like tables in the terminal.
Is there any pluggins or something else that helps in designing CLI to display like this ?
Have you had a look at cli-ux table function?
import {Command} from '@oclif/command'
import {cli} from 'cli-ux'
export default class Users extends Command {
static flags = {
async run() {
const {flags} = this.parse(Users)
/* ... */
cli.table(users, {
name: {
minWidth: 7,
company: {
get: row => row.company && row.company.name
}, {
printLine: this.log,
...flags, // parsed flags
Results in:
$ example-cli users
Name Company
Leanne Graham Romaguera-Crona
Ervin Howell Deckow-Crist
Clementine Bauch Romaguera-Jacobson
Patricia Lebsack Robel-Corkery
Chelsey Dietrich Keebler LLC
Mrs. Dennis Schulist Considine-Lockman
Kurtis Weissnat Johns Group
Nicholas Runolfsdottir V Abernathy Group
Glenna Reichert Yost and Sons
Clementina DuBuque Hoeger LLC