I'm trying to verify if the current authorized is in a specific role, using a custom tag helper. I want to use UserManager.IsInRoleAsync()
, but I need to pass in a User
How can I access the current authorized user?
public override async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
base.PreProcess(context, output);
bool isInRole = _um.IsInRoleAsync(????, this.Roles); ;
var policy = await AuthorizationPolicy.CombineAsync(_policy, new[] { this });
var authResult = await _eva.AuthenticateAsync(policy, _http.HttpContext);
var authorizeResult = await _eva.AuthorizeAsync(policy, authResult, _http.HttpContext, null);
I ended up rewriting some of the logic::
var foo = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
if (!this.Roles.IsNull())
if (!this.AuthenticationSchemes.IsNull())
var policy = foo.Build();
var authResult = await _eva.AuthenticateAsync(policy, _http.HttpContext);
var authorizeResult = await _eva.AuthorizeAsync(policy, authResult, _http.HttpContext, null);
if (!authorizeResult.Succeeded)