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A quick way to arrive to the abelian group of order eight in Isabelle

I'm formalizing this article in Isabelle. In section 4.1 it describes the following setting:

  fixes c d :: real
  assumes "c ≠ 0" "∃ b. c = b^2" "∃ b'. d = b'^2"
  definition t where "t = sqrt(d/c)"
  definition e' where "e' x y = x^2 + y^2 - 1 - t^2 * x^2 * y^2"

  definition ρ where "ρ x y = (-y,x)"
  definition τ where "τ x y = (1/(t*x),1/(t*y))"

It then defines G to be the abelian group of order eight generated by ρ and τ.

Is there an easy way of:

  1. Stating that ρ and τ generate a group.
  2. Since ρ and τ have order 2 and commute I think that all the rest commute and maybe there is a built-in theorem saying that this has to correspond to an abelian group of order 8?


  • I did make an attempt to solve the problem and came up with a slightly forceful method for its solution:

      fixes c d :: real
      assumes "c ≠ 0" "∃b. c = b^2" "∃b'. d = b'^2"
    definition t where "t = sqrt(d/c)"
    definition e' where "e' x y = x^2 + y^2 - 1 - t^2 * x^2 * y^2"
      assumes nz_t: "t ≠ 0"
    definition ρ :: "real × real ⇒ real × real" where 
      "ρ z = (-snd z, fst z)"
    definition τ :: "real × real ⇒ real × real" where 
      "τ z = (1/(t*fst z), 1/(t*snd z))"
    definition S where
      "S ≡ 
          (λz. (-snd z, fst z)),
          (λz. (-fst z, -snd z)),
          (λz. (snd z, -fst z)),
          (λz. (1/(t*fst z), 1/(t*snd z))),
          (λz. (-1/(t*snd z), 1/(t*fst z))),
          (λz. (-1/(t*fst z), -1/(t*snd z))),
          (λz. (1/(t*snd z), -1/(t*fst z)))
    definition ρS where
      "ρS ≡ 
        {id, (λz. (-snd z, fst z)), (λz. (-fst z, -snd z)), (λz. (snd z, -fst z))}"
    definition τS where
      "τS ≡ {id, (λz. (1/(t*fst z), 1/(t*snd z)))}"
    definition BIJ where "BIJ = ⦇carrier = {f. bij f}, mult = comp, one = id⦈"
    interpretation bij: group BIJ
      unfolding BIJ_def
      apply unfold_locales
      subgoal by (simp add: bij_comp)
      subgoal by (simp add: comp_assoc)
      subgoal by simp
      subgoal by simp
      subgoal by simp
        unfolding Units_def
        by clarsimp 
          (metis inj_iff bij_betw_def bij_betw_inv_into inv_o_cancel surj_iff)
    (*the proof may take quite a few seconds*)
    lemma comp_S: "x ∈ S ⟹ y ∈ S ⟹ x ∘ y ∈ S"
      unfolding comp_apply S_def Set.insert_iff by (elim disjE) fastforce+ 
    lemma comm_S: "x ∈ S ⟹ y ∈ S ⟹ x ∘ y = y ∘ x"
      unfolding comp_apply S_def Set.insert_iff by (elim disjE) fastforce+ 
    lemma bij_ρ: "bij ρ"
      unfolding bij_def inj_def surj_def ρ_def 
      by clarsimp (metis add.inverse_inverse)
    lemma bij_τ: "bij τ"
      unfolding bij_def inj_def surj_def τ_def 
    proof(simp add: nz_t, intro allI, intro exI)
      fix a show "a = 1 / (t * (1/(a*t)))" using nz_t by simp
    lemma generate_ρτ: "generate BIJ {ρ, τ} = S"
    proof(standard; intro subsetI)
      have inv_τ: "inv⇘BIJ⇙ τ = τ"
        unfolding m_inv_def
        show "τ ∈ carrier BIJ ∧ τ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ τ = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙ ∧ τ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ τ = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙"
          unfolding BIJ_def apply(intro conjI)
          subgoal using bij_τ by simp
          subgoal unfolding τ_def using nz_t by auto 
          subgoal unfolding τ_def using nz_t by auto 
        then show 
          "y ∈ carrier BIJ ∧ τ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ y = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙ ∧ y ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ τ = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙ ⟹ y = τ" 
          for y
          unfolding BIJ_def by (auto intro: left_right_inverse_eq)
      define ρ' :: "real × real ⇒ real × real" where "ρ' = (λz. (snd z, -fst z))"
      have bij_ρ': "bij ρ'"
        unfolding bij_def inj_def surj_def ρ'_def
        by simp (metis add.inverse_inverse)
      have inv_ρ: "inv⇘BIJ⇙ ρ = ρ'"
        unfolding m_inv_def
        show "ρ' ∈ carrier BIJ ∧ ρ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ ρ' = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙ ∧ ρ' ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ ρ = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙"
          unfolding BIJ_def apply(intro conjI)
          subgoal using bij_ρ' by auto
          subgoal unfolding ρ_def ρ'_def by auto 
          subgoal unfolding ρ_def ρ'_def by auto 
        then show 
          "y ∈ carrier BIJ ∧ ρ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ y = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙ ∧ y ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ ρ = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙ ⟹ y = ρ'" 
          for y
          unfolding BIJ_def by (auto intro: left_right_inverse_eq)
      have ττ: "τ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ τ = 𝟭⇘BIJ⇙" 
        unfolding BIJ_def τ_def comp_def by (auto simp: nz_t)
      show "x ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ} ⟹ x ∈ S" for x
        apply(induction rule: generate.induct)
        subgoal unfolding BIJ_def S_def by auto
        subgoal unfolding BIJ_def S_def ρ_def τ_def by auto
          unfolding Set.insert_iff apply(elim disjE)
          subgoal using inv_ρ unfolding BIJ_def S_def ρ_def ρ'_def by simp    
          subgoal using inv_τ unfolding BIJ_def S_def τ_def by simp
          subgoal by simp
        subgoal unfolding BIJ_def by (metis monoid.select_convs(1) comp_S)
      show "x ∈ S ⟹ x ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}" for x
        unfolding S_def Set.insert_iff
      proof(elim disjE; clarsimp)
        show "id ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          unfolding BIJ_def using generate.simps by fastforce
        show ρ_gen: "(λz. (- snd z, fst z)) ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          by (fold ρ_def, rule generate.simps[THEN iffD2]) simp
        show τ_gen: "(λz. (1 / (t * fst z), 1 / (t * snd z))) ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          by (fold τ_def) (simp add: generate.incl)
        from inv_ρ show inv_ρ_gen: "(λz. (snd z, - fst z)) ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          by (fold ρ'_def) (auto simp: generate.inv insertI1)
        show ρρ_gen: "(λz. (- fst z, - snd z)) ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          have ρρ: "(λz. (- fst z, - snd z)) = ρ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ ρ"
            unfolding ρ_def BIJ_def by auto
          show ?thesis 
            apply(rule generate.simps[THEN iffD2])
            using ρρ ρ_gen[folded ρ_def] by auto
        show "(λz. (- (1 / (t * snd z)), 1 / (t * fst z))) ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          have ρτ: "(λz. (- (1 / (t * snd z)), 1 / (t * fst z))) = ρ ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ τ"
            unfolding ρ_def τ_def BIJ_def by auto
          show ?thesis 
            apply(rule generate.simps[THEN iffD2])
            using ρτ ρ_gen[folded ρ_def] τ_gen[folded τ_def] by auto
          "(λz. (- (1 / (t * fst z)), - (1 / (t * snd z)))) ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          have ρρτ: 
            "(λz. (- (1 / (t * fst z)), - (1 / (t * snd z)))) = 
            (λz. (- fst z, - snd z)) ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ τ"
            unfolding τ_def BIJ_def by auto
          show ?thesis 
            apply(rule generate.simps[THEN iffD2])
            using ρρτ ρρ_gen τ_gen[folded τ_def] by auto
        show "(λz. (1 / (t * snd z), - (1 / (t * fst z)))) ∈ generate BIJ {ρ, τ}"
          have inv_ρ_τ: 
            "(λz. (1 / (t * snd z), - (1 / (t * fst z)))) = 
            (λz. (snd z, - fst z)) ⊗⇘BIJ⇙ τ"
            unfolding τ_def BIJ_def by auto
          show ?thesis 
            apply(rule generate.simps[THEN iffD2])
            using inv_ρ_τ inv_ρ_gen τ_gen[folded τ_def] by auto
    lemma "comm_group (BIJ⦇carrier := (generate BIJ {ρ, τ})⦈)" 
      have ρτ_ss_BIJ: "{ρ, τ} ⊆ carrier BIJ" 
        using bij_ρ bij_τ unfolding BIJ_def by simp
      interpret ρτ_sg: subgroup "(generate BIJ {ρ, τ})" BIJ 
        using ρτ_ss_BIJ by (rule bij.generate_is_subgroup)
      interpret ρτ_g: group "BIJ⦇carrier := (generate BIJ {ρ, τ})⦈"
        by (rule ρτ_sg.subgroup_is_group[OF bij.group_axioms])
      have car_S: "carrier (BIJ⦇carrier := S⦈) = S" by simp
      have BIJ_comp: "x ⊗⇘BIJ⦇carrier := S⦈⇙ y = x ∘ y" for x y
        unfolding BIJ_def by auto
      from ρτ_g.group_comm_groupI[
          unfolded generate_ρτ car_S BIJ_comp, OF comm_S, simplified
      show ?thesis unfolding generate_ρτ by assumption 
    lemma id_pair_def: "(λx. x) = (λz. (fst z, snd z))" by simp
    lemma distinct_single: "distinct [x] = True" by simp
    lemma ne_ff'_gg'_imp_ne_fgf'g':
      assumes "f ≠ f' ∨ g ≠ g'"
        "(λz. (f (fst z) (snd z), g (fst z) (snd z))) ≠ 
        (λz. (f' (fst z) (snd z), g' (fst z) (snd z)))"
      using assms
    proof(rule disjE)
      assume "f ≠ f'"
      then obtain x y where "f x y ≠ f' x y" by blast  
      then show ?thesis by (metis (hide_lams) fst_eqD snd_eqD)
      assume "g ≠ g'"
      then obtain x y where "g x y ≠ g' x y" by blast  
      then show ?thesis by (metis (hide_lams) fst_eqD snd_eqD)
    lemma id_ne_hyp: "(λa. a) ≠ (λa. 1/(t*a))" 
    proof(rule ccontr, simp)
      assume id_eq_hyp: "(λa. a) = (λa. 1/(t*a))"
        fix a :: real assume "a > 0"
        define b where "b = sqrt(a)"
        from ‹a > 0› have "a = b*b" and "b > 0" unfolding b_def by auto
        from id_eq_hyp have "b = 1/(t*b)" by metis
        with ‹b > 0› have "b div b =(1/(t*b)) div b" by simp
        with ‹b > 0› have "1 = (1/(t*a))" unfolding ‹a = b*b› by simp
        with ‹a > 0› nz_t have "t*a = 1" by simp
      note ta_eq_one = this
      define t2 where "t2 = (if t > 0 then 2/t else -2/t)" 
      with nz_t have "t2 > 0" unfolding t2_def by auto
      from nz_t have "t*t2 = 2 ∨ t*t2 = -2" unfolding t2_def by auto
      from ta_eq_one ‹t2 > 0› this show False by auto
    lemma id_ne_mhyp: "(λa. a) ≠ (λa. -1/(t*a))"
    proof(rule ccontr, simp)
      assume id_eq_hyp: "(λa. a) = (λa. -(1/(t*a)))"
        fix a :: real assume "a > 0"
        define b where "b = sqrt(a)"
        from ‹a > 0› have "a = b*b" and "b > 0" unfolding b_def by auto
        from id_eq_hyp have "b = -(1/(t*b))" by metis
        with ‹b > 0› have "b div b =-1/(t*b) div b" by simp
        with ‹b > 0› have "1 = -1/(t*a)" unfolding ‹a = b*b› by simp
        with ‹a > 0› nz_t have "t*a = -1" by (metis divide_eq_1_iff)
      note ta_eq_one = this
      define t2 where "t2 = (if t > 0 then 2/t else -2/t)" 
      with nz_t have "t2 > 0" unfolding t2_def by auto
      from nz_t have "t*t2 = 2 ∨ t*t2 = -2" unfolding t2_def by auto
      from ta_eq_one ‹t2 > 0› this show False by auto
    lemma mid_ne_hyp: "(λa. -a) ≠ (λa. 1 / (t*a))"
      using id_ne_mhyp by (metis minus_divide_left minus_equation_iff)
    lemma mid_ne_mhyp: "(λa. -a) ≠ (λa. -1 / (t*a))"
      using id_ne_hyp by (metis divide_minus_left minus_equation_iff)
    lemma hyp_neq_hyp_1: "(λa. - 1/(t*a)) ≠ (λa. 1/(t*a))"
      using nz_t 
      by (metis divide_cancel_right id_ne_mhyp mult_cancel_right1 mult_left_cancel 
    lemma distinct:
          (λz. (-snd z, fst z)),
          (λz. (-fst z, -snd z)),
          (λz. (snd z, -fst z)),
          (λz. (1/(t*fst z), 1/(t*snd z))),
          (λz. (-1/(t*snd z), 1/(t*fst z))),
          (λz. (-1/(t*fst z), -1/(t*snd z))),
          (λz. (1/(t*snd z), -1/(t*fst z)))
      apply(unfold distinct_length_2_or_more)+
        id_def id_pair_def
        (intro conjI) 
          rule ne_ff'_gg'_imp_ne_fgf'g', 
          metis one_neq_neg_one id_ne_hyp id_ne_mhyp
          mid_ne_hyp mid_ne_mhyp hyp_neq_hyp_1
    lemma "card S = 8"
      using distinct unfolding S_def using card_empty card_insert_disjoint by auto


    • I relied on sledgehammer for many parts of the proofs and there is some unnecessary code duplication. Therefore, just like most of my answers on SO, this answer is far from perfect from the perspective of the coding style.
    • I would be interested to know if there is a better overall approach for the solution. Somehow, I came to believe that most of the more thoughtful approaches (e.g. using theorems about cyclic groups to determine the order of ρ and τ and then using |HK|=|H||K|/|H∩K| to determine the order of G) would require proving quite a number of additional theorems for HOL-Algebra, but I did not check with the AFP before making this remark and I do not use HOL-Algebra on a regular basis. Therefore, I may have missed something.