I'm running sample tutorial from Hyperledger Fabric Doc, trying to run the "Build Your First Network" sample with following command ./byfn.sh
Network generation works fine, but when I try to up the network:
$ cd..../fabric-samples/first-network
$ ./byfn.sh generate
$ ./byfn.sh up
I receive the following error:
Starting for channel 'mychannel' with CLI timeout of '10' seconds and
CLI delay of '3' seconds
Continue? [Y/n] y
proceeding ...
Creating peer0.org1.example.com ... done
Creating peer1.org2.example.com ... done
Creating peer0.org2.example.com ... done
Creating orderer.example.com ... done
Creating peer1.org1.example.com ... done
Creating cli ... done
**OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:344: starting
container process caused "no such file or directory": unknown
ERROR !!!! Test failed**
Reinstalled docker, deleted previous node modules, re-run the network, finally worked fine.
$./byfn.sh down
$docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
$docker volume prune
$./byfn.sh generate
$./byfn.sh up