Search code examples

Vuetify : throttle / debounce v-autocomplete

I'm using the Vuetify Autocomplete with remote data, and I would like to to throttle / debounce the API calls (wait 500 ms to call the API when the user is typing text in the autocomplete). How can I do that?

I saw a Stack OverFlow post about the debounce-search attribute, but it didn't work for me, and I didn't see any Vuetify documentation on this attribute.


  • You could add debouncing to the function that makes the API calls. A debouncer could be implemented with setTimeout and clearTimeout, such that new calls are delayed and cancels any pending call:

    methods: {
      fetchEntriesDebounced() {
        // cancel pending call
        // delay new call 500ms
        this._timerId = setTimeout(() => {
        }, 500)

    Such a method could be bound to a watcher on the search-input prop of v-autocomplete:

      <v-autocomplete :search-input.sync="search" />
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          search: null
      watch: {
        search (val) {
          if (!val) {
      methods: { /* ... */ }
