I created a countdown timer by DataComponentsFormatter. It works fine in certain languages. However, when I use it in English, the caption that appears after I tap "start button", are oversized like the photo below. Although I applied "adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth" to the label, it fixes only the size of the label before the start button is tapped.
If there is any function that I should use to make it a right size, would you advise me?
This is the timer I use for the label by the way.
func displayUpdate() -> Double {
let setting = 300
let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.unitsStyle = .brief
formatter.includesTimeRemainingPhrase = true
formatter.allowedUnits = [.minute, .second]
let remainCount = settings - count
let outputString = formatter.string(from: remainCount)
countDownLabel.text = outputString
return (remainCount)
Make sure your label has width constraints set so the label does not expand beyond the edge of the screen, this answer has an example or you can use the interface builder.
Make sure the label's minimumScaleFactor
property is set.
This question has more details on auto shrinking label text.