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Docker - Send multiple images to registry

I have a project that has 2 Dockerfiles; one for the frontend and another for the backend.
However in my local machine, I've created a docker-compose.yml file that will build the respective Dockerfiles inside respective folders and run them in the prescribed order

Current structure

+-- api
|   +-- Dockerfile
|   +-- ...
+-- frontend
|   +-- Dockerfile
|   +-- ...
+-- docker-compose.yml

So, locally the stack is started through docker-compose up.
I'm now planning to get the entire stack into a private registry.

What would be the best way to get the images up, making it easy for dev and CI/CD routines?

  1. Can each Dockerfile images pushed individually and pulled into a new server? or
  2. Is there a way the different images can be combined to one and used?

or let me know the most efficient method to deploy this.


  • To push multiple images that are build by your compose you can use docker-compose push command. Remember that image names in your compose should be in appropriate format. Your docker compose could look like :

    version: '3'
        build: .
        image: localhost:4000/imgename:tag  # for local registry
        build: .
        image: hubusername/imagename:tag  # for DockerHub registry

    With this command you can push all images at once, but you can also specify service name, whose image you want to push. You can then download those images from your repository separately.