I am trying to use tm_text to add text to define locations on a map using the tmap package in R.
This is the code i have used to produce my map:
tm_shape(nz) +
tm_fill("Population") +
tm_borders() +
tm_layout(basemaps = leaflet::providers$Esri.WorldTopoMap)
I can not find another base map which would highlight the locations on the map that I am interested in so I was wondering whether there is a way I can over lay text into certain areas?
For example in the image below I would like to add text to highlight central hawks bay district and palmerton North.
To add text to a tmap map via the tm_text()
call you need two things - a label, and a location.
With a little help of google maps I have found coordinates for Palmerston North and Central Hawke's Bay (never heard of either before :) and I propose the following solution:
points <- data.frame(name = c("Central Hawke's Bay", "Palmerston North"),
x = c(176.474193, 175.611667),
y = c(-39.922303, -40.355),
stringsAsFactors = F)
points <- st_as_sf(points, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)
tm_shape(nz) +
tm_fill("Population") +
tm_borders() +
tm_shape(points) + tm_text("name") +
I have included a library call to {sf} to facilitate conversion of coordinates as number to spatial data frame. I have also slightly amended your {tmap} call to suit current tmap best practices.