I have the below data:
l='[{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"weather", "value": 10},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"bad", "value": 14},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"failure", "value": 20},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"not", "value": 1},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"search", "value": 24},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"esrs", "value": 2},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"issue", "value": 1},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "honda", "features":"errors", "value": 30},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190510","model": "ford", "features":"ice", "value": 12},
{"a": "xyz", "date": "20190509", "model": "honda", "features":"summer", "value":18},
{"a": "xyz", "date": "20190507", "model": "ford", "features":"hot", "value":14},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190506","model": "ford", "features":"search", "value": 20},
{"a": "abc", "date": "20190510","model": "honda", "features":"400", "value": 18},
{"a": "xyz", "date": "20190509", "model": "ford", "features":"fail", "value":24},
{"a": "xyz", "date": "20190507", "model": "honda", "features":"200", "value":15}]'
And when I use this data in the form of dataframe to plot bar graph between features and value using below code:
l = fromJSON(l)
df = data.frame(do.call(rbind, l))
ggplot(df, aes(y=features, x=value))
I get the below error:
Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale
What I am doing here wrong?
I had luck using jsonlite
's fromJSON
l = jsonlite::fromJSON(l)
ggplot(l,aes(y=features, x=value)) +
Here's a bar graph. Note that there are two "search" values, stacked here by default.
ggplot(l,aes(x=features, y=value)) +
geom_col(color = "white") +
Or if you want them sorted, I like forcats::fct_reorder
; but note that it's sorting by individual values, not total values; wasn't sure how you wanted to treat the two in "search":
ggplot(l,aes(x=forcats::fct_reorder(features, value), y=value)) +
geom_col(color= "white") + coord_flip()