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Upload file in Stripes, how to use DefaultMultipartWrapperFactory

I'm trying to develop a small Stripes project that allows the user to uoload files, the basic implementation of the ActionBean looks like so:

public class UploadActionBean extends BaseActionBean{

private FileBean fileBean;

private final String fileUpload="/WEB-INF/jsp/file-upload.jsp";

public void setFileBean(FileBean fileBean){


public FileBean getFileBean(){

    return this.fileBean;

public Resolution goToFile(){

    return new ForwardResolution(fileUpload);

public Resolution upload() throws IOException{



    fileBean.getSize(); File("/Users/enricoiorio/Desktop"));

    return new ForwardResolution(fileUpload);


As i said is very simple, the jsp is like this, also very simple:

 <s:form beanclass="stripesbook.action.UploadActionBean" enctype="multipart-form/data">

<s:file name="fileBean"/>

<s:submit name="upload" value="upload"/>

The app seems to deploy correctly, the app starts with no problem but as soon as i click on upload i get the following exception:

net.sourceforge.stripes.exception.StripesRuntimeException: Could not construct a MultipartWrapper for the current request.

which arrives from a nullPointerException:

at net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.multipart.DefaultMultipartWrapperFactory.wrap(

I understand that i have to use the wrap() method of the DefaultMultipartWrapperFactory class, but how? I'm struggling trying to find a documentation that explains that but no results, any advise?


  • Seems like you're simply missing Commons FileUpload. Try adding it to your classpath and see if it works.