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Chart: PixelPositionToValue not accurate when finding x,y coordinates

I am trying to display the X and Y coordinates of the chart data in a small display. Everything works well but the data shown isn't accurate.

Here is the code below:

 var results = chart1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y, false, ChartElementType.PlottingArea);

            foreach (var result in results)
                if (result.ChartElementType == ChartElementType.PlottingArea)
                    yValue = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY2.PixelPositionToValue(e.Y);
                    xValue = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX2.PixelPositionToValue(e.X);
            if (OverlapcheckBox1.Checked)
                int val = Convert.ToInt16(yValue / 24);
                yValue = yValue - 24 * val;

            if (Cursor1checkBox.Checked && ClickMouse)
                V1textBox1.Text = string.Concat(string.Concat(yValue).ToString());
            if (Cursor2checkBox.Checked && ClickMouse)
                V2textBox2.Text = string.Concat(string.Concat(yValue).ToString());

The image shows cursor at 10 but the value in V1 is 9.88 And an image:



  • Unless your mouse has amazing accuracy you would never see an exact 10.000. You could round it off:

    private void Chart1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
        double yValue = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.PixelPositionToValue(e.Y);
        yValue = Math.Round(yValue, 0);

    Or perhaps you wish to find DataPoints near the cursor click position?

    private void Chart1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
        HitTestResult result = chart1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
        if (result.ChartElementType == ChartElementType.DataPoint) {
            DataPoint point = (DataPoint)result.Object;
            double yValue = point.YValues[0];