I am trying to update specific value to a JSON File in external Storage.
Though I am able to write to the file but It is replacing the whole JSON File with the single data.
// This one is Replacing the whole document with single value
Future setBookmark(int questionId, String isBookmark) async {
Map<String, dynamic> content = {questionId.toString(): isBookmark};
var dir = await getExternalStorageDirectory();
var testdir = new Io.Directory('${dir.path}/BCS/bcs.json');
File jsonFile = File(dir.path + "/BCS/" + "bcs.json");
Map<String, dynamic> jsonFileContent =
.firstWhere((question) => question.id == questionId)
.bookmark = isBookmark));
//this is changing the value temporarily but not writing to the file
Future setBookmark(int questionId, String isBookmark) async {
.firstWhere((question) => question.id == questionId)
.bookmark = isBookmark;
You need to write the whole question list. Break it into two statements
Future setBookmark(int questionId, String isBookmark) async {
// update the list
.firstWhere((question) => question.id == questionId)
.bookmark = isBookmark;
// and write it