I'm doing a performance test to an AKKA persistent actor and I want to know the impact writing to the journal.
Simple question but I did not find anything in the documentation:
How to disable the journal from the config file? I'm looking for something like a mock or null journal plugin.
Any idea?
I created a project with a persistence plugin (journal + snapshots) that basically does not do anything but ignoring.
Of course, using this plugin will not recover after a failure, so your system will not be resilient.
This is the project: https://github.com/angelcervera/akka-persistence-nowhere
How to use it:
resolvers += "osm4scala repo" at "http://dl.bintray.com/angelcervera/maven" // If
it's not found in the main maven repository.
libraryDependencies += "com.acervera.akka" %% "akka-persistence-nowhere" % "1.0.1"
akka {
persistence {
journal.plugin = "disable-journal-store"
snapshot-store.plugin = "disable-snapshot-store"
disable-journal-store {
class = "com.acervera.akka.persistence.nowhere.AkkaPersistenceNowhereJournal"
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.persistence.dispatchers.default-plugin-dispatcher"
disable-snapshot-store {
class = "com.acervera.akka.persistence.nowhere.AkkaPersistenceNowhereSnapshotStore"
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.persistence.dispatchers.default-plugin-dispatcher"