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How to verify gnupg signature with Python gnupg module?

I have problem with verification signature with Python gnupg module. With this module I can encrypt and sign file:

gpg.encrypt_file(stream, encrypt_for, sign=sign_by, passphrase=key_passwd, output=file_out)

Such encrypted file can be decrypted by command line gpg, output:

gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG-E key, ID 518CD1AD, created 2011-04-14
gpg: Signature made 04/14/11 13:36:14 using DSA key ID C7C006DD
gpg: Good signature from "server"

It can be decrypted by Python gnupg module too, output file has decrypted content, but I cannot verify signature. Code that decrypts and verifies:

def decrypt_file(file_in, file_out, key_passwd):
    gpg = gnupg.GPG()
    f = open(file_in, "rb")
    data =
    gpg.decrypt(data, passphrase=key_passwd, output=file_out)
    verified = gpg.verify(data)
    if not verified:
        raise ValueError("Signature could not be verified!")

Exception I got:

decrypting file...
Exception in thread Thread-12:
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "c:\Python26\lib\", line 534, in __bootstrap_inner
    File "c:\Python26\lib\", line 486, in run
        self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
    File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\", line 202, in _read_response
        result.handle_status(keyword, value)
    File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\", line 731, in handle_status
        raise ValueError("Unknown status message: %r" % key)
ValueError: Unknown status message: u'UNEXPECTED'

Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 32, in <module>
    File "", line 27, in test
        decrypt_file('test_p.enc', 'test_p.txt', 'client')
    File "", line 18, in decrypt_file
        raise ValueError("Signature could not be verified!")
ValueError: Signature could not be verified!

I use gnupg-0.2.7 from python-gnupg-0.2.7.win32.exe with ActiveStatus Python 2.6.

I also tried gpg.verify_file() but I got the same error. File is ASCII armoured and looks like:

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)


How to verify signature like command line gpg?


  • See this gist for an example script showing you how to verify signatures when decrypting.

    Code (as of 2011-04-05) follows:

    from cStringIO import StringIO
    import gnupg
    import logging
    import os
    import shutil
    def generate_key(gpg, first_name, last_name, domain, passphrase=None):
        "Generate a key"
        params = {
            'Key-Type': 'DSA',
            'Key-Length': 1024,
            'Subkey-Type': 'ELG-E',
            'Subkey-Length': 2048,
            'Name-Comment': 'A test user',
            'Expire-Date': 0,
        params['Name-Real'] = '%s %s' % (first_name, last_name)
        params['Name-Email'] = ("%s.%s@%s" % (first_name, last_name, domain)).lower()
        if passphrase is None:
            passphrase = ("%s%s" % (first_name[0], last_name)).lower()
        params['Passphrase'] = passphrase
        cmd = gpg.gen_key_input(**params)
        return gpg.gen_key(cmd)
    def init_logging():
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename="gpg.log",
                            filemode="w", format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s %(name)-10s %(threadName)-10s %(message)s")
    def print_info(decrypted):
        print('User name: %s' % decrypted.username)
        print('Key id: %s' % decrypted.key_id)
        print('Signature id: %s' % decrypted.signature_id)
        #print('Signature timestamp: %s' % decrypted.sig_timestamp)
        print('Fingerprint: %s' % decrypted.fingerprint)
    def main():
        if os.path.exists('keys'):
        gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='keys')
        key = generate_key(gpg, "Andrew", "Able", "",
        andrew = key.fingerprint
        key = generate_key(gpg, "Barbara", "Brown", "")
        barbara = key.fingerprint
        #First - without signing
        data = 'Top secret'
        encrypted = gpg.encrypt_file(StringIO(data), barbara,
                                     #sign=andrew, passphrase='andy',
        assert encrypted.status == 'encryption ok'
        # Data is in encrypted.txt. Read it in and verify/decrypt it.
        data = open('encrypted.txt', 'r').read()
        decrypted = gpg.decrypt(data, passphrase='bbrown', output='decrypted.txt')
        #Now with signing
        data = 'Top secret'
        encrypted = gpg.encrypt_file(StringIO(data), barbara,
                                     sign=andrew, passphrase='andy',
        assert encrypted.status == 'encryption ok'
        # Data is in encrypted.txt. Read it in and verify/decrypt it.
        data = open('encrypted.txt', 'r').read()
        decrypted = gpg.decrypt(data, passphrase='bbrown', output='decrypted.txt')
    if __name__ == '__main__':