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How do I Integrate Coveralls to An Open-Source Project?

I want to contribute to an open-source project (specifically, this one) where the project owner has already set up Travis. I want to integrate Coveralls to this project and send a pull-request. When I own the project, the process is simple:

  • Configure build/test system with .travis.yml and language specific tools
  • Take repoToken from Coveralls
  • Add repoToken as environment variable to project's Travis system
  • Add language specific configuration to .travis.yml's after_success cycle.

However, I've got problems with that when I do not own the repository.

  • Since I do not own the repository, I only can add project on Coveralls with my fork copy. What I mean is, my fork's coverage URL will be /github/myusername/forkedrepo in Coveralls and when I sent that PR to repository owner, it will be the same whereas it must be /github/ownersusername/originalrepo.
  • I cannot add environment variable repoToken to owner's Travis build system since I do not own it.

So my questions are:

  • Is it possible to automatize this process? Like merging my forked Travis system to owner's original system for repoToken environment variable and/or creating a Coveralls system for owner?
  • Or should I simply contact the owner, create separate Travis/Coveralls for my forked project by myself and leave some to-dos in codebase so that he can find these and change later?

Thanks in advance.


  • Java
  • Maven
  • Covertura Maven Plugin for coverage
  • Coveralls Maven Plugin for sending coverage results to Coveralls


  • You might want to modify your own pom.xml according to the coverage tool you'd like to use see for some explanation.

    You can avoid to put the repo token in the pom.xml file that you publish on github!

    Instead you can run the coverage report from the command line.

    Here is a small helper script that will allow to run converalls from the command line. Just put your token in a place like $HOME/.coveralls or any similar location.

    # WF 2019-06-26
    # create test coverage report for coveralls
    if [ ! -f $tokenpath ]
      echo "Script needs coveralls token in $tokenpath to work" 1>&2
      echo "Script can only be run successfully by project admins" 1>&2
      echo "see" 1>&2
      exit 1
      token=$(cat $tokenpath)
      # comment out to use jacoco
      #mvn clean test jacoco:report coveralls:report -D jacoco=true -DrepoToken=$token
      # comment out to use cobertura
      mvn cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report -DrepoToken=$token

    Update Here is a version using the COVERALLS_TOKEN environment variable:

    # WF 2019-06-26
    # create test coverage report for coveralls
    # is the environment variable not set?
    if [ "$COVERALLS_TOKEN" = "" ]
      if [ ! -f $tokenpath ]
        echo "Script needs coveralls token in $tokenpath to or COVERALLS_TOKEN environment variable to work" 1>&2
        echo "Script can only be run successfully by project admins" 1>&2
        echo "see" 1>&2
        echo "see" 1>&2
        exit 1
      export COVERALLS_TOKEN=$(cat $tokenpath)
    # the jacoco variable tries triggering a profile - check your pom.xml
    # for any profile being in use
    mvn clean test jacoco:report coveralls:report -D jacoco=true
    #mvn clean test jacoco:report coveralls:report -D jacoco=true -DrepoToken=$token
    #mvn cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report
    #mvn cobertura:cobertura coveralls:report -DrepoToken=$COVERALLS_TOKEN