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slf4j + java.util.logging: how to configure?

I'm trying to use slf4j + java.util.logging. I know how to set up the Java source code to do this via logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(...) and logger.warn('...') or whatever.

But where's the documentation for setting up the configuration in slf4j? I'm very confused... I have the log4j manual and am familiar w/ the very basics of logging adapters, but I'm just not sure how to get this to work with slf4j + java.util.logging.


  • which .properties file and/or JVM -D command-line argument do I need to specify to point it at my configuration file?

  • where's the documentation for the configuration file for java.util.logging?

  • does using slf4j cause any change in my configuration file? (i.e. something that I would have to declare differently, vs. just using java.util.logging or log4j directly)


  • See this tutorial on jul:

    java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=myLoggingConfigFilePath

    But I would recommend to go for Logback

    Also see an official "Java logging overview".