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Scheme - Appending to the end of a list

I'm very sorry for such a simple question. It's so trivial, I haven't been able to find someone online with this problem. So I'd appreciate some help.

I want to write a very simple function that takes a list and an item, and appends that item to the end of the list.

The function I wrote recursively goes to the end of the list and returns the new item. It's so frustrating that this isn't working. It's the simplest function I've ever seen

(define (my-append lst item)
  (if (null? lst)
    (cons (car lst) (my-append (cdr lst) item))))

(display (my-append (list 1 2 3 4) 5))

This displays

(1 2 3 4 . 5) 

I don't know why that dot is there, and it's extremely frustrating. I haven't come across it in any previous SO questions.

I just want to see

(1 2 3 4 5)

I would really really appreciate some help, because I'm extremely frustrated with this. If it helps, I'm running this code using an online compiler


  • You just need to end the recursion with a list, not an item. Instead of this:

    (if (null? lst)

    Do this:

    (if (null? lst)
        (list item)

    To clarify - a list in Scheme must end in the empty list '(). If your recursion ends with an item, you'll get something like this in the end:

    (cons 4 5)
    => '(4 . 5)

    That's a cons pair. A proper list ends in the empty list:

    (cons 4 (cons 5 '()))
    => '(4 5)

    Which is the same as:

    (cons 4 (list 5))
    => '(4 5)

    By the way, this is the idiomatic way to append an item at the end:

    (define (my-append lst item)
      (append lst (list item)))