I have multiple songs being loaded and queued up in my player, however the player stops after the first song and I have to manually force the next song using next_source() though from the documentation I believe it should be automatic.
I'm running Python 3.7.1 and Pyglet 1.3.2, I have scoured the documentation and tried different methods of queuing the data. I have looked into making sure the file is playing completely, though I'm unsure if playback is ever ending on the first song.
chosenDirectory = ""
cSong = ""
cSongIndex = 0
player = pyglet.media.Player()
songList = []
def chooseDirectory():
global chosenDirectory
chosenDirectory = tk.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/")
listBox.delete("0", "end")
def listFiles(dir):
global songList
songList = []
files = os.listdir(dir)
for x, file in enumerate(files):
filePath = chosenDirectory + "/" + file
if not os.path.isdir(filePath):
fileExt = file.split(".")[1]
if fileExt == "mp3" or fileExt == "wav":
listBox.insert(x, file)
class mediaControls:
def curSelect(self, info):
global cSong
if listBox.curselection() != ():
selected = listBox.get(listBox.curselection())
if selected != cSong:
cSong = selected
cSongIndex = listBox.curselection()[0]
def playSong(self):
if not player.playing:
elif player.playing:
def playList(self):
for song in songList:
music = pyglet.media.load(song)
def playNextSong(self):
def playNewSong(self):
global cSong
global cSongIndex
cSongIndex = cSongIndex + 1
cSong = listBox.get(cSongIndex)
My expected result from this would be it cycling through all of the songs dequeuing them before moving on to the next, and not requiring intervention on my part.
So it turns out I was expecting the queue to handle everything without realizing the pyglet.app.run() command is actually what sets all the events into motion. Without using that (since its blocking) I can just on_eos() to go ahead and call the next_source() function and get the same result.