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How to merge existing hourly partitions to daily partition in hive

My requirement is to merge existing hourly partitions to daily partition for all days.

My partition column is like:

2019_06_22_00, 2019_06_22_01, 2019_06_22_02, 2019_06_22_03..., 2019_06_22_23 => 2019_06_22
2019_06_23_00, 2019_06_23_01, 2019_06_23_02, 2019_06_23_03..., 2019_06_23_23 => 2019_06_23


  • The easy way is to extract date from current partition column and load into new table.

    Create new table:

    create table new (
    partitioned by (partition_date date);

    Then insert overwrite from old table:

    set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
    set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
    insert overwrite table new partition(partition_date )
    --extract hours if you need this column
    substr('old_partition_col',12,2) hour,
    --partition column is the last one
    date(concat_ws('-',substr(old_partition_col,1,4),substr(old_partition_col,6,2),substr(old_partition_col,9,2))) as partition_date 
    from old_table;

    Alternatively you can extract date using unix_timestamp and from_unixtime functions:

    from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(old_partition_col,'yyyy_MM_dd_HH'),'yyyy-MM-dd') as partition_date

    Then drop old table and rename new.