Search code examples

Binary-search without an explicit array

I want to perform a binary-search using e.g. np.searchsorted, however, I do not want to create an explicit array containing values. Instead, I want to define a function giving the value to be expected at the desired position of the array, e.g. p(i) = i, where i denotes the position within the array.

Generating an array of values regarding the function would, in my case, be neither efficient nor elegant. Is there any way to achieve this?


  • What about something like:

    import collections
    class GeneratorSequence(collections.Sequence):
        def __init__(self, func, size):
            self._func = func
            self._len = size
        def __len__(self):
            return self._len
        def __getitem__(self, i):
            if 0 <= i < self._len:
                return self._func(i)
                raise IndexError
        def __iter__(self):
            for i in range(self._len):
                yield self[i]

    This would work with np.searchsorted(), e.g.:

    import numpy as np
    gen_seq = GeneratorSequence(lambda x: x ** 2, 100)
    np.searchsorted(gen_seq, 9)
    # 3

    You could also write your own binary search function, you do not really need NumPy in this case, and it can actually be beneficial:

    def bin_search(seq, item):
        first = 0
        last = len(seq) - 1
        found = False
        while first <= last and not found:
            midpoint = (first + last) // 2
            if seq[midpoint] == item:
                first = midpoint
                found = True
                if item < seq[midpoint]:
                    last = midpoint - 1
                    first = midpoint + 1
        return first

    Which gives identical results:

    all(bin_search(gen_seq, i) == np.searchsorted(gen_seq, i) for i in range(100))
    # True

    Incidentally, this is also WAY faster:

    gen_seq = GeneratorSequence(lambda x: x ** 2, 1000000)
    %timeit np.searchsorted(gen_seq, 10000)
    # 1 loop, best of 3: 1.23 s per loop
    %timeit bin_search(gen_seq, 10000)
    # 100000 loops, best of 3: 16.1 µs per loop