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Removing Extra Text in curl

I am trying to scrape some data by using curl and simple_html_dom library, i can successfully scrape data but the problem is i don't want some text with data.

This is the code i am using :

$price = $html->find("div[id='vi-mskumap-none'] span[itemprop='price']",0)->plaintext;

This is html source code :

<div id="vi-mskumap-none" style="" class="u-flL w29 vi-price ">
    <span class="notranslate" id="prcIsum" itemprop="price" style="" content="515.0">US $515.00</span>

It is scraping

US $515.00

But I want to remove US $ and only want


can someone please help


  • Since you say that the format of the string will always be the same, there's no need for any regex. Just use str_replace()

    $price = 'US $515.00';
    $price = str_replace('US $', '', $price);

    Here's a demo:

    That will give you a string: 515.00. If you want it to be a real float, then just cast it:

    $price = (float)str_replace('US $', '', $price);