I am trying to setup nuxtjs app with vue2-editor.if I try navigating to editor page via client navigation its loading but if i visit or refresh(eg.com/editor) page directly .i am getting document not defined error.
I have identified it because vue2 editor does not support ssr but i have disable it in nuxt-config.js for only client side.but error not going away.please share what i am doing wrong?
import Vue from 'vue'
if (process.client) {
const VueEditor = require('vue2-editor') //tried normal import as wel
plugins: [
{ src: '@plugins/quill-editor.js', mode: 'client' },
let VueEditor
if (process.client) {
VueEditor = require('vue2-editor').VueEditor
not doing anything in nuxt config or any plugin. only import method changed. its working now but i am still wondering why it is not working when i disable ssr in nuxt -config.js file