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How to get cart line items in spree?

I need help in getting all items that are added in cart. I’m actually showing count of each product that’s added in cart. I’ve tried current_order but it’s acting weird, sometimes it’s correct but sometimes even if cart is empty it shows the product in current_order so it’s breaking if the cart updates. Can you guys please recommend me a way to get the cart items directly?


In View

<% count = count_in_cart(simple_current_order, product) %>
<span class="badge badge-notify rounded-bottom"><%=count%></span>

In Application Helper

def count_in_cart(current_order, product)
  return 0 unless current_order
  product ={|item| item.variant_id}.last
  product.present? ? product.quantity : 0

It works like a charm in local, but on heroku it doesn't show the count. Can someone please guide what I'm doing wrong?

Spree version is 3.7.2


  • Looks like the things were behaving weird in view files due to maybe objects stored in memory.

    I managed to fix it by creating a new API and calculating the products in that Controller.

    @cart_items_order = simple_current_order if simple_current_order.present?
    render json: @cart_items_order&.line_items

    That worked like a charm.

    For anyone who looks for this thing in future.
