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How do I determine if current device does have a P3 capable display?

Is there a way to conditionally select a Standard RGB color or a P3 color if the device supports it?

I thought about something like the following for iOS versions:

if #available(iOS 12.0, *) {
} else {


  • UITraitCollection has a displayGamut property, which is an enum UIDisplayGamut

    @available(iOS 10.0, *)
    public enum UIDisplayGamut : Int {
        case unspecified // UIKit will not set this anymore, instead a sensible default is chosen based on the device capabilities and settings always
        case SRGB
        case P3

    You can query the “main screen”

    let hasP3Display = UIScreen.main.traitCollection.displayGamut == .P3 

    or the display of a specific view (which can be different if an external monitor is used)

    let hasP3Display = view.traitCollection.displayGamut == .P3