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Unit Test with Nsubstitute allways return null with Lambda expression on Repository pattern

inside of the method which I'm evaluating in my Unit Test I want to return a mocked value which call my repository pattern, but always return null.

I've tried with both options below but the behavior is the same (return null):

Repository.FindAsync<User>(Arg.Is<Expression<Func<User, bool>>>(x => x.Email == "Test")).Returns(new User() { FirstName = "Test"});


Repository.FindAsync<User>(x => x.Email == "Test").Returns(new User() { FirstName = "Test"});

I paste the whole code of my unit test

public class WhenTestingUser : WhenTesting<Customer>
    private IRepository Repository { get; set; }

    protected override void Given()
        Repository = Fixture.Freeze<IRepository>();

        Repository.Find<User>(Arg.Any<Expression<Func<User, bool>>>()).ReturnsNull();

        Repository.FindAsync<User>(Arg.Is<Expression<Func<User, bool>>>(x => x.Email == "Test")).Returns(new User() { FirstName = "Test"});


    protected override void When()



    public void WhenCalled()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

I'm working with AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute, NSubstite and NUnit


  • The solution is:

    public void TestUnprocessedInvoicesByCatchingExpression()
        Expression<Func<InvoiceDTO, bool>> queryUsed = null;
        IList<InvoiceDTO> expectedResults = new List<InvoiceDTO>();
        .Find(i => true)
        .ReturnsForAnyArgs(x =>
            queryUsed = (Expression<Func<InvoiceDTO, bool>>)x[0];
            return expectedResults;
        Assert.That(_sut.GetUnprocessedInvoices(), Is.SameAs(expectedResults));
        AssertQueryPassesFor(queryUsed, new InvoiceDTO { IsProcessed = false, IsConfirmed = true });
        AssertQueryFailsFor(queryUsed, new InvoiceDTO { IsProcessed = true, IsConfirmed = true });

    NSubstitute - Testing for a specific linq expression