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GoLang/Mux syntax question: if ID, Ok = mux.Vars(r)["ID"]; !ok

I am very new to Golang and I am reading someone's code for an API using gorilla/mux and I came across this block of code.

func heroGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var ID string
    var Ok bool
    if ID, Ok = mux.Vars(r)["ID"]; !Ok{
        //do something

I am having trouble understanding what Ok does in this specific situation and when !Ok would trigger.

Note that this function is GET endpoint.

(r.HandleFunc("/hero/{ID}", heroGet).Methods("GET"))


  • I assume you are using goriila mux. I checked on the source code, the mux.Vars() returns a value with type is map[string]string.

    In a nutshell, a map datatype can optionally return two values.

    1. The first one is the actual value as per requested key
    2. The second one is an indicator whether item with requested key is exist or not (a boolean value).

    Please take a look at example below:

    vars := map[string]string{
        "one": "1",
        "two": "",
    value1, ok1 := vars["one"]
    fmt.Println("value:", value1, "is exists:", ok1)
    // value: 1 is exists: true
    value2, ok2 := vars["two"]
    fmt.Println("value:", value2, "is exists:", ok2)
    // value:  is exists: true
    value3, ok3 := vars["three"]
    fmt.Println("value:", value3, "is exists:", ok3)
    // value:  is exists: false

    From example above we can clearly see, if requested item does not exists, then the 2nd return will be false.

    If the item is exists even though the value is zero value, then 2nd return will still be true, because the item is indeed exist, doesn't necessarily important what the value is.