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Mail gem - how to clean up the body string

I'm trying to read an email using ruby mail gem. But mail.body.decoded returns me not just the body message. How can I clean up this body message and remove unwanted text like:

-20cf30433c9a437cc304939017ef\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\nContent-

message = $
mail = Mail.read_from_string(message)
puts mail.body.decoded

--20cf30433c9a437cc304939017ef\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n\n REAL BODY TEXT \\n\n--20cf30433c9a437cc304939017ef\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n\n<br clear=3D\"all\">--20cf30433c9a437cc304939017ef--

How can I clean up this email body mail message extracting only the REAL BODY TEXT , without ANY header ?

I'm creating a simple Ticket System based in Ruby on Rails, and a ticket is created when an email is received by But when the message is in HTML format the BODY TEXT is surrounded by HEADERs text.


  • If you have a properly formatted email, you can use Mail helper methods:

    mail =
    mail.text_part # finds the first text/plain part
    mail.html_part # finds the first text/html part

    This doesn't always work if you have e.g. single part messages (text only) or receive email from the internet at large since you can't rely on formatting from every client out there. Believe me, I've learned the hard way.