I have a docker container running a bunch of python scripts. I am using HyperV as backend virtualization engine on Docker and running Docker for Windows.
The container builds just fine but when I start the container with:
docker run --memory 10240mb -it container_name
It runs the few initial operations from the file, prints out the results and then exits without an error. When I run:
docker logs --tail=50 container_id
I see just the print outs as when I ran docker run, funnily enough the moment it exists is pretty random operation wise (it might exit after first 2 ops or sometimes 1 op) but it usually ends the same time, as if there was a timer letting it run only for 5 minutes minutes for example. The script runs fine on a different machine running VirtualBox and Docker-Machine.
Right click on the docker icon in the system tray
Click on advanced
increase the memory settings to what you need, if you're not sure try setting it somewhere close to the middle depending on your system. You might go ahead and increase the CPU setting as well if you can.
Save your changes Docker will restart Once that's done you should be able to run your app run it without the --memory option