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Check initialization of variable

In the following code example the variable Time_Two is not initialized. This results into a random output like:

Time one: 2019-06-27 16:18:21
Time two: 2150-01-02 16:01:18

Does Ada offers a function to check during runtime if a variable of the type Ada.Calendar.Time is initialized?

with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Text_IO;

with GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO;

procedure Main is
   Time_One : Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
   Time_Two : Ada.Calendar.Time;

   Format : constant GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Picture_String := "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Time one: " & GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Image
        (Date    => Time_One,
         Picture => Format));

   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Time two: " & GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Image
        (Date    => Time_Two,
         Picture => Format));
end Main;


  • Well, GNAT does emit a warning:

    warning: variable "Time_Two" is read but never assigned

    The warning can be converted into an error by placing the configuration pragma Warning_As_Error either at the very top of main.adb or in a configuration file gnat.adc [GNAT RM 2.205]

    pragma Warning_As_Error ("*never assigned");

    Dealing with uninitialized variables is a common source of errors and some additional background information on this topic (with a particular a focus on using run-time checks, as asked) is available in the paper

    Exposing Uninitialized Variables: Strengthening and Extending Run-Time Checks in Ada

    Interestingly, placing the configuration pragma Initialize_Scalars [GNAT RM 2.88] at the very top of main.adb yields (for this particular case) a run-time exception as Times_Two is initialized with Long_Long_Integer'First which appears to be invalid for Ada.Calendar.Time (In GNAT, Long_Long_Integer is the underlying type of Ada.Calendar.Time, see

    $ /main
    Time one: 2019-06-27 19:46:54
    raised ADA.CALENDAR.TIME_ERROR : a-calend.adb:611

    Of course, an invalid value may not exist or may have a different value. See the link to GNAT RM and the paper for more info on the usage of Initialize_Scalars. See also the related pragma Normalize_Scalars [GNAT RM 2.122].

    An alternative (static) method to detect uninitialized variables is to use SPARK. An attempt to proof the correctness of main.adb yields:

    high: "Time_Two" is not initialized.

    UPDATE 1

    Here's a minimal example of how one can use the pragma Initialize_Scalars together with GNAT compiler switches that insert data valdiation checkers at particular points in the code:


    --  Ignore compile time warning for the sake of demonstration.
    pragma Warnings (Off, "*never assigned");
    pragma Initialize_Scalars;
    with Ada.Text_IO;
    procedure Main is      
       package Foo is
          type Bar is private;
          procedure Put_Bar (B : Bar);
          type Bar is new Integer range -20 .. 20;
       end Foo;
       package body Foo is
          procedure Put_Bar (B : Bar) is
             --  (2) Constraint_Error is raised if switch "-gnatVDo" (Validate 
             --  Operator and Attribute Operands) is used during compilation. 
             --  This switch effectively inserts the code 
             --     if not B'Valid then
             --        raise Constraint_Error with "invalid data";
             --     end if;
             --  just before B'Image is evaluated. As the value Integer'First
             --  is not in Bar'Range, B'Valid returns False and the
             --  exception is raised.
             --  See also in GPS IDE:
             --    Edit > Project Properties... > Build > Switches > Ada
             --       and then "Validity Checking Mode".
             Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (B'Image);
          end Put_Bar;
       end Foo;   
       --  (1) Because pragma "Initialize_Scalars" is used, B is deterministically
       --  initialized to Integer'First. This behavior is inherited from the
       --  configuration pragma "Normalize_Scalars" (see GNAT RM). Here, 
       --  Integer'First happens to be invalid as it falls outside the 
       --  range of subtype Foo.Bar (which is -20 .. 20).
       B : Foo.Bar;   
       Foo.Put_Bar (B);
    end Main;

    UPDATE 2

    Second example in response to the feedback in the comments below (I misinterpreted the question):


    with Ada.Calendar;
    with Ada.Text_IO;
    with GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO;
    procedure Main is
       type Optional_Time (Valid : Boolean := False) is
             case Valid is
                when False =>
                when True =>
                   Value : Ada.Calendar.Time;
             end case;
          end record; 
       -- Image --
       function Image (OT : Optional_Time) return String is
          Format : constant GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Picture_String := "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";   
          if OT.Valid then
             return GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Image (OT.Value, Format);
             return "<Invalid>";
          end if;
       end Image;
       Time : Optional_Time;
       Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Image (Time));
       Time := (Valid => True, Value => Ada.Calendar.Clock);
       Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Image (Time));
       Time := (Valid => False);
       Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Image (Time));
    end Main;