I am trying to draw a rounded line of a specific width on my imageView Bitmap.
So I drew a simple line with paintLine.strokeCap = Paint.Cap.ROUND
and without this option.
Here is the result :
The first one is rounded and you can see it's larger than the bottom one.
Here is the code I use.
val paintLine = Paint()
paintLine.color = Color.WHITE
paintLine.style = Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE
paintLine.strokeWidth = 40.0f
paintLine.strokeCap = Paint.Cap.ROUND
val workingBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap)
val mutableBitmap = workingBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true)
val drawingBitmapCanvas = Canvas(mutableBitmap)
drawingBitmapCanvas.apply {
drawLine(300, 300, 400, 300, paintLine)
I would like to know if there is a way to keep the same width with rounded line ?
This just requires a little bit of math on your part. The rounded stroke caps that are added to the line have a width/length that is equal to half the stroke of the paint.
Here is my code:
Paint linePaint = new Paint();
Paint noCaplinePaint = new Paint();
public void init(){
And then in onDraw
canvas.drawLine(50f, 40f, 300f, 40f, noCaplinePaint);
canvas.drawLine(70f, 81f, 280f, 81f, linePaint);
Produces these lines:
So, to review, the size of a rounded line cap can be calculated like this:
additionalLengthFromRoundCap = lineStrokeWidth/2
and this cap will be added to both ends of the line, so the line will be strokeWidth
units longer than drawn.