I have a 3D point P(x,y,z) and a polygon S defined by arbitrary amount of 3D points. The polygon is not necessary convex (so in my opinion, the solutions provided here do not answer my question), but P is in the same plane as S. Now, I need to determine if the P lies inside of S.
For example:
polygon = np.array([[6173.953125 , 9689.90136719, 298.03326416],
[6173.95410156, 9689.90136719, 298.09350586],
[6173.89355469, 9689.86621094, 298.23690796],
[6173.89355469, 9689.86621094, 298.23690796],
[6173.83496094, 9689.83398438, 298.5083313 ],
[6173.89453125, 9689.86816406, 298.38320923],
[6173.89697266, 9689.87011719, 298.44348145],
[6173.89697266, 9689.87011719, 298.44348145],
[6173.953125 , 9689.90136719, 298.03326416],
[6173.89355469, 9689.86621094, 298.23690796],
point = np.array([6171.37079656, 9688.35796064, 309.00229108])
Example Image: Point outside Polygon:
In this example, it is obvious that the result should be "False" (point is outside).
Using the point:
point2 = np.array([6173.83496094, 9689.83398438, 297.72579346])
the result should be "True" (point is in polygon).
Example Image: Point inside Polygon:
I know, I basically have to solve a simple Point-in-Polygon (PiP) problem. However, is there a package that includes such a function directly? Or how can I transform all the points to apply PiP algorithms provided by shapely or similar packages?
When P is in the same plane as S
is guaranteed, make (virtual) projection of polygon and point onto any coordinate plane (not perpendicular to polygon plane). For example, to make projection onto OXZ (suitable for the second example), just ignore Y-components.
Then use any algorithm intended for 2D (pnpoly)