I've googled and read, and I'm trying to find a "correct" way to do it, but every question I read on SO seems to have completely different answers.
Here is the gist of my problem. files has the type signature of a seq of a triple (a:string, b:string,c:Int64). Being new to f# I'm still not fluent in expressing type signatures (or for that matter understanding them). a is a filename, b is an internal identifier, and c is a value representing the length (size) of the file. baseconfig is a string from earlier in the code.
|> Seq.filter( fun(x,y,z) -> y = baseconfig) // used to filter only files we want
|> Seq.fold( fun f n ->
if( (fun (_,_,z) -> z) n > 50L*1024L*1024L) then
zipfilex.Add((fun (z:string, _, _) -> z) n)
printfn("Adding 50mb to zip")
zipfilex.Add((fun (z, _, _) -> z) n)
("", "", (fun (_, _, z:Int64) -> z) n + (fun (_, _, z:Int64) -> z) f)
) ("","",0L)
What this chunk of code is supposed to do, is iterate through each file in files
, add it to a zip archive (but not really, it just goes on a list to be committed later), and when the files exceed 50MB, commit the currently pending files to the zip archive. Adding a file is cheap, committing is expensive, so I try to mitigate the cost by batching it.
So far the code kinda works... Except for the ObjectDisposedException I got when it approached 150MB of committed files. But I'm not sure this is the right way to do such an operation. It feels like I'm using Seq.fold
in a unconventional way, but yet, I don't know of a better way to do it.
Bonus question: Is there a better way to snipe values out of tuples? fst and snd only work for 2 valued tuples, and I realize you can define your own functions instead of inline them like I did, but it seems there should be a better way.
Update: My previous attempts at fold, I couldn't understand why I couldn't just use an Int64 as an accumulator. Turns out I was missing some critical parenthesis. Little simpler version below. Also eliminates all the crazy tuple extraction.
|> Seq.filter( fun (x,y,z) -> y = baseconfig)
|> Seq.fold( fun (a) (f,g,j) ->
zipfilex.Add( f)
if( a > 50L*1024L*1024L) then
printfn("Adding 50mb to zip")
a + j
) 0L
Update 2: I'm going to have to go with an imperative solution, F# is somehow re-entering this block of code, after the zip file is closed in the statement which follows it. Which explains the ObjectDisposedException. No idea how that works or why.
I don't think your problem benefits from the use of fold
. It's most useful when building immutable structures. My opinion, in this case, is that it makes what you're trying to do less clear. The imperative solution works nicely:
let mutable a = 0L
for (f, g, j) in foundoldfiles do
if g = baseconfig then
if a > 50L * 1024L * 1024L then
printfn "Adding 50mb to zip"
a <- 0L
a <- a + j