I am new to SAS, try to figure out Proc Tabulate more.
proc tabulate data=stem_camp1;
class gender pass SUBJECT;
table GENDER, SUBJECT*PASS*(n="count" rowpctn="%");
I have a code like this above.
SAS is calculating percentage BIOS AND MATH, so when I sum up 4 of %, it gets 100%
but I want SAS to calculate percentage BIOS AND MATH separate.
for example like this
MALE - - 10 100% 10 50% 10 50%
From helps (my bold):
PCTN and PCTSUM statistics can be used to calculate these same percentages. They enable you to manually define denominators. PCTN and PCTSUM statistics print the percentage of the value in a single table cell in relation to the value (used in the denominator of the calculation of the percentage)in another table cell or to the total of the values in a group of cells. By default, PROC TABULATE summarizes the values in all N cells(for PCTN) or all SUM cells (for PCTSUM) and uses the summarized value for the denominator. You can control the value that PROC TABULATE uses for the denominator with a denominator definition.
You place a denominator definition in angle brackets (< and >) next to the PCTN or PCTSUM statistic. The denominator definition specifies which categories to sum for the denominator.
So you will want PCTN<PASS>
instead of ROWPCTN
Here is an example using data set sashelp.cars
proc tabulate data=sashelp.cars;
class type origin drivetrain;
table type, origin*drivetrain*(n pctn<drivetrain>);
Just to be clear, the ALL
drivetrain means All Wheel Drive, and is not the Universal Class Variable ALL.