Datatables with custom sort AND Bootstrap tool tips don't work together
<td style="text-align : center" data-sort="#modifydate#">
<img src="assets/icon/properties.png" title="Modified:
#request.stdDate(ModifyDate)#<br />
By: #ModifyBy#<br />
Created: #request.stdDate(CreateDate)#<br />
By: #CreateBy#" />
Javascript in application.js
$("[title]").tooltip({ html: true });
"deferRender": true,
"paging": false
The sorting works ok, but the tool tips disappear.
The tool tips work ok with not custom sort.
Try to use this in js:
selector: '[data-toggle="tooltip"]',
'trigger': 'hover',
and check if they have pointer-events: none
in CSS.