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Getting data from HTTP request to late in the template

I have a service where http request are created for subject and behaviorSubject. Then I get the data from the service to a page.ts (on the constructor) to display it in the template.

The code i did is working well, but the problem is the template "yelling" that the data from the subject are not arrived yet. So it give me error if I want to use it to initialize a FORM control or to display data from array.

PS: i tried with subject an behaviorSubject and i have the same problem. :( I'm sure I'm doing an conception error.

Someone have an idea about how to get data before the template is display ?

Thanks for your help

Service code with Subject and with behaviorSubject:

const INTI_DATA = [];

  providedIn: 'root'
export class FormStorageService {
  dbSubject = new Subject<any[]>();
  dbBSubject = new BehaviorSubject(INTI_DATA);
  data$: Observable<any> = this.dbBSubject.asObservable();

  private _URL: any = '../assets/DB-Test/data.json';

  private dbData: any[] = [];

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  getDBDataBehavior() {
    this.http.get<any[]>(this._URL).subscribe((response: any[]) => {
      const value = response['DB_DATA'];;
    }, error => {
      console.log('Error : ', error);

  getDBData() {
    this.http.get<any[]>(this._URL).subscribe((response: any[]) => {
      const value = response['DB_DATA'];;
    }, error => {
      console.log('Error : ', error);

Page.TS (Form2Page) with Subject call

export class Form2Page implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  obsSubscription: Subscription;
  public dbData: DataModel[] = [];

  itemsForm: FormGroup;

  constructor(private storageService: FormStorageService) {
    // Get data from DB
    this.obsSubscription = this.storageService.dbSubject.subscribe(
      (value: any[]) => {
        this.dbData = value;
        console.log('Value in FORM2 : ', value);
        console.log('DB Data in FORM2 in subscribe : ', this.dbData);
      error => {
        console.log('erreur', error);
    console.log('DB Data DB Data in FORM2 : ', this.dbData);

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log('DB Data in FORM2 in ngOnInit : ', this.dbData);

  ngOnDestroy() {

Result in the console. You can see the dbData get some data after a while

DB Data DB Data in FORM2 :  [] DB Data in FORM2 in ngOnInit :  [] Value in FORM2 :  {ITEMS: Array(1)} DB Data in FORM2 in subscribe :  {ITEMS: Array(1)}

Page.TS (Form3Page) with BehaviorSubject call

export class Form3Page implements OnInit {
  obsBSubject$ =$;
  public dbData: any[] = [];

  constructor(private formStorage: FormStorageService) { 
      (value: any[]) => {
        this.dbData = value;
        console.log('Value in FORM3 : ', value);
        console.log('DB Data in FORM3 in subscribe : ', this.dbData);
      error => {
        console.log('erreur', error);
    console.log('DB Data in FORM3 : ', this.dbData);

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log('DB Data in FORM3 in ngOnInit : ', this.dbData);


Result in the console. You can see the dbData get some data after a while

Value in FORM3 :  [] DB Data in FORM3 in subscribe :  [] DB Data in FORM3 :  [] DB Data in FORM3 in ngOnInit :  [] Value in FORM3 :  {ITEMS: Array(1)} DB Data in FORM3 in subscribe :  {ITEMS: Array(1)}


  • You can use *ngIf to verify if the data already got the the frontend or not


    Also you can check if the lenght is more than zero with another div with *ngIf to inform that the data already got here BUT with no records...