I'm making forest plot with forestplot
packages in R
With help of this blog(https://www.r-bloggers.com/forest-plot-with-horizontal-bands/), I barely made forest plot. However, in forestplot
packages, the hzrl_lines
statement didn't worked as I want.
I want to make transparent grey stripes on my forest plot, overlapping the text. But in hzrl_lines
statement, it only covers the two rows, not one rows. For example, in following image, I want to cover the 'age', which is category title.
hrzl_lines=list("4" = gpar(lwd=60, lineend="butt", columns=c(1:5), col="#99999922"))
As you can see, horizontal line covers 'primary analysis' and 'age' category title. The line's center is between primary analysis and age title.
How to cover the only 'Age' title? I used the code below. I really appreciate your help.
datafile <- file.path("example.csv")
data <- read.csv(datafile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
np <- ifelse(!is.na(data$total), data$total, NA)
nc <- ifelse(!is.na(data$intervention), data$intervention, NA)
nu <- ifelse(!is.na(data$control), data$control, NA)
tabletext <- cbind(c("Subgroup","\n",data$category),
c("No. of\nPatients","\n",np),
c("Interaction\n P Value","\n",data$prob))
png(file.path("example.png"),width=750, height=750)
lower=c(NA,NA,data$lcl), upper=c(NA,NA,data$ucl),
hrzl_lines=list("3" = gpar(lwd=1, col="#000000"),
"4" = gpar(lwd=60, lineend="butt", columns=c(1:5), col="#99999922")),
col=fpColors(box="black", lines="black", zero = "gray50"))
Furthermore, rawdata is like below. It is hard to upload the csv file in stackoverflow.
> dput(data)
structure(list(category = c("Primary analysis", "Age", " 60-",
" 20-40", " -20", "Sex", " Female", " Male", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", ""), total = c(100L, NA, NA, 40L, 60L,
NA, 40L, 60L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), intervention = c(50L,
NA, NA, 20L, 30L, NA, 20L, 30L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA), control = c(50L, NA, NA, 20L, 30L, NA, 20L, 30L, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), estimate = c(-17.5, NA, NA, -12,
-20, NA, -15, -20, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), lcl = c(-25L,
NA, NA, -25L, -30L, NA, -22L, -35L, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA), ucl = c(-10L, NA, NA, 1L, -10L, NA, -8L, -5L, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), prob = c(NA, 0.5, NA, NA, NA, 0.5,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
In the example URL you provided, the author always had 3 lines covered by the horizontal band. He achieved this by using the middle one and giving it a wide line covering all 3 lines. hrzl_lines
is there to create a line under the current line, so you'll always see the center of it in between lines. The only workaround I was able to find for you, was to add an empty line below your Age
line and then add the grey transparent band to that line:
#Create empty df row
emptyRow <- data.frame(X1 = NA, X2 = NA, X3 = NA, X4 = NA, X5 = NA, X6 = NA, X7 = NA, X8 = NA)
names(emptyRow) <- names(data)
#Insert empty row below the 'Age' line
data <- rbind(data[c(1:2),], emptyRow, data[c(3:17),])
np <- ifelse(!is.na(data$total), data$total, NA)
nc <- ifelse(!is.na(data$intervention), data$intervention, NA)
nu <- ifelse(!is.na(data$control), data$control, NA)
tabletext <- cbind(c("Subgroup","\n",data$category),
c("No. of\nPatients","\n",np),
c("Interaction\n P Value","\n",data$prob))
png(file.path("example.png"),width=750, height=750)
lower=c(NA,NA,data$lcl), upper=c(NA,NA,data$ucl),
hrzl_lines=list("3" = gpar(lwd=1, col="#000000"),
"5" = gpar(lwd=50, lineend="butt", columns=c(1:5), col="#99999922")),
col=fpColors(box="black", lines="black", zero = "gray50"))