I need to download content of .txt file from web, separate each key,value set and insert them into dictionary.
Here is txt file where are my parameters which have to be placed in dict-> http://mign.pl/ver.txt
and dict should looks like this:
dic = {"Version": 1.0, "Hires": False, "Temperature": 55, "Description": "some description"}
I have already used urllib2 to download content:
import urllib.request as urllib2
url = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.mign.pl/ver.txt')
What next?
You can use built-in configparser
module to parse the values (doc):
import configparser
import urllib.request as urllib2
data = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.mign.pl/ver.txt')
c = configparser.ConfigParser()
c.read_string('[root]\n' + data.read().decode('utf-8'))
print({k:v for k, v in zip(c['root'], c['root'].values())})
{'version': '1.0', 'hires': 'False', 'temperature': '55', 'description': 'Some description'}
Or just work with connfigparser directly (e.g. print(c['root']['version'])
will print 1.0