I want to use "hmac-md5-96" algorithm to create Security Associations at client side. I am using setkey ipsec tools. while adding spd entry, It is giving syntax error and unable to identify hmac-md5-96
I have tried keyed-md5 which is also not supported.
setkey -c << EOF
add $pcscf $ue esp $spi_uc -m transport -E aes-cbc $ck -A hmac-md5-96 "1234567890123456" ;
spdadd $pcscf/32[$port_ps] $ue/32[$port_uc] tcp -P in ipsec esp/transport//require ;
spdadd $pcscf/32[$port_ps] $ue/32[$port_uc] udp -P in ipsec esp/transport//require ;
Use ip xfrm state add
instead of setkey
, i.e.:
ip xfrm state add src $pcscf dst $ue proto esp spi $spi_uc enc "cbc(aes)" $ck auth-trunc "hmac(md5)" "1234567890123456" 96 mode transport
For some dummy parameters it creates the following SAD entry:
src dst
proto esp spi 0x00000457 reqid 0 mode transport
replay-window 0
auth-trunc hmac(md5) 0x31323334353637383930313233343536 96
enc cbc(aes) 0x3131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131
anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x0, bitmap 0x00000000
sel src dst
Good luck!