I'am try to use single .check(regex to extract multiple values. Code below represent extracting 3 groups.
val goToProduct = http("""GoTo_${product}""")
.check(regex("""name="([\s\S]+?)" value="(.+)" id="(.+)"""").ofType[(String,String,String)].saveAs("description")
After this I'am trying to use extracted values separately (e.g. description._1 as Tuple3, or description(1) as Collection). But it's always fails.
This works, but maybe there is more convenient way to do this (like val._1)
session("description").validate[(String, String, String)].map { case
(prod_name, prod_value, prod_id) =>
session.setAll("prod_name" -> prod_name, "prod_value" -> prod_value,
"prod_id" -> prod_id)
Trying this
.exec { session =>
session }
Will give an error: 'hook-1' crashed with 'j.u.NoSuchElementException: No attribute named '${description._1}' is defined', forwarding to the next one
This line
Shows Tuple3: (addtocart_37.EnteredQuantity,1,/addproducttocart/details/37/1)
the gatling EL supports tuples so you can use calls like
to access the product, for example
To get the value in order to use it somewhere other than in a dsl call that takes an Expression, you can just retrieve it in a session action (where you can't use EL)
exec(session => {
println(session("description").as[(String, String, String)]._1)