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Postgres index timestamp with timezone column

I'm running PostgreSQL 9.6, and I have a table named decks with an expiration column of type timestamp with time zone (for storing decks of cards where each card can expire independently).

I'd like to create a nightly cron job that finds all cards which expired at any point during the previous day—i.e. between 0:00 and 23:59 inclusive.

This seems to gives me the time range I want...

  FROM decks
 WHERE expiration >= (now()::date - 1)::timestamptz
   AND expiration < (now()::date)::timestamptz;

...but I'm wondering two things:

  1. What's the best way to index the expiration column for my scenario?
  2. Is there a better/cleaner way to specify the start and end times?


  • Question 1: For that query, a standard index is the best option. However, see below.

    Question 2: Lots of options, here. A quick change to your query:

    SELECT id
      FROM decks
    WHERE expiration::date = (now()::date - 1);

    ... allows you to create a functional index on expiration::date which should be smaller, and a bit more efficient.

    Personally, I'd go a bit further and use current_date instead of now():

    SELECT id
      FROM decks
    WHERE expiration::date = (current_date - 1);

    As always, I recommend use of EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE when evaluating indexes.