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How to make file CRL and revoke certificate using pyOpenSSL?

I have a Python script that looks for all x509 self-signed certificates in a directory, verifies them and writes information about them into the table (valid date, expiration date, subject, issuer). Is there any way to create a list of revoked .crl certificates using the pyOpenSSL library and revoke one of them? Or is it done only with the help of terminal commands and the os library?

I did not find such questions with the answer on the forum.


  • Reviewing your question, I noticed you say self-signed certificates. Revoking a self-signed certificate usually doesn't work. To revoke a self-signed certificates you have to include it in a CRL signed by the self-signed certificate itself. As revoking a certificate implies the certificate's key may be compromised, an attacker in possession of the key can easily generate a newer CRL that doesn't include the self-signed certificate. To solve that, you need a trusted third party to issue the CRLs. However, it's very hard to achieve.

    I'll keep the example bellow, but it doesn't solve your problem.


    Yes, it's possible to create a CRL using pyopenssl, you can see the example bellow (based on this example).

    However, pyopenssl's CRL.set_nextUpdate function has a bug and doesn't set the specified date. So you have to wait the fix to really use it.

    # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
    # Copyright (C) AB Strakt
    # Copyright (C) Jean-Paul Calderone
    # See LICENSE for details.
    Certificate generation module.
    from OpenSSL import crypto
    TYPE_RSA = crypto.TYPE_RSA
    TYPE_DSA = crypto.TYPE_DSA
    def createKeyPair(type, bits):
        Create a public/private key pair.
        Arguments: type - Key type, must be one of TYPE_RSA and TYPE_DSA
                   bits - Number of bits to use in the key
        Returns:   The public/private key pair in a PKey object
        pkey = crypto.PKey()
        pkey.generate_key(type, bits)
        return pkey
    def createCertRequest(pkey, digest="sha256", **name):
        Create a certificate request.
        Arguments: pkey   - The key to associate with the request
                   digest - Digestion method to use for signing, default is md5
                   **name - The name of the subject of the request, possible
                            arguments are:
                              C  - Country name
                              ST - State or province name
                              L  - Locality name
                              O  - Organization name
                              OU - Organizational unit name
                              CN - Common name
                              emailAddress - E-mail address
        Returns:   The certificate request in an X509Req object
        req = crypto.X509Req()
        subj = req.get_subject()
        for (key,value) in name.items():
            setattr(subj, key, value)
        req.sign(pkey, digest)
        return req
    def createCertificate(req, issuerCert, issuerKey, serial, notBefore, notAfter, digest="sha256"):
        Generate a certificate given a certificate request.
        Arguments: req        - Certificate reqeust to use
                   issuerCert - The certificate of the issuer
                   issuerKey  - The private key of the issuer
                   serial     - Serial number for the certificate
                   notBefore  - Timestamp (relative to now) when the certificate
                                starts being valid
                   notAfter   - Timestamp (relative to now) when the certificate
                                stops being valid
                   digest     - Digest method to use for signing, default is md5
        Returns:   The signed certificate in an X509 object
        cert = crypto.X509()
        cert.sign(issuerKey, digest)
        return cert
    def createCrl(issuerCert, issuerKey, serial, lastUpdate, nextUpdate, revokedList, digest="sha256"):
        Generate a certificate revocation list (CRL).
        Arguments: issuerCert  - The certificate of the issuer
                   issuerKey   - The private key of the issuer
                   serial      - Serial number for the crl
                   lastUpdate  - ASN1 timestamp ("YYYMMDDhhmmssZ") of the last crl update
                   nextUpdate  - ASN1 timestamp ("YYYMMDDhhmmssZ") of the next crl update
                   revokedList - A list of Revoked objects.
                   digest      - Digest method to use for signing, default is sha256
        Returns:   The signed crl in a CRL object
        crl = crypto.CRL()
        crl.set_nextUpdate(nextUpdate)  # BUG: this line doesn't set the next update
        for revoked in revokedList:
        crl.sign(issuerCert, issuerKey, digest)
        return crl
    # Creates a self signed certificate
    pkey = createKeyPair(TYPE_RSA, 2048)
    req = createCertRequest(pkey, "sha256", C="BR", CN="Teste")
    cert = createCertificate(req, req, pkey, 1, 0, 60*60*24*365*5, "sha256")
    # Creates the revoked objects
    revoked1 = crypto.Revoked()
    revoked1.set_serial(b"1")                 # certificate's serial number
    revoked1.set_rev_date(b"20190601010101Z") # certificate's revocation date
    revoked1.set_reason(b'keyCompromise')     # certificate's revocation reason
    revoked2 = crypto.Revoked()
    # Creates the CRL using the revoked objects
    crl = createCrl(cert, pkey, 1, b"20190101010101Z", b"20190101010101Z", [revoked1, revoked2, ], b"sha256")
    # Prints the CRL as PEM and TEXT
    crl_pem = crypto.dump_crl(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, crl)
    crl_str = crypto.dump_crl(crypto.FILETYPE_TEXT, crl)