Search code examples

How to output formatted text from list of values from JSON?

I am working on a slackbot. I have a json file and python code that outputs something to slack based on the user's input. There is a search command that outputs search results from a json file. The current output is not formatted because when the values are taken from the json, they are appended to a list and then returned to the main python program.

I have tried creating a loop that would kind of parse through the search output and cut it down so that each set of values are separate and then added to a list that can be formatted. The loop I tried doesn't really work, and I'm not too sure how to properly make a loop that I can use to format the output. I have also tried formatting the output using format(), but it doesn't work because it is a list.

This is the an example of the current search output.

if command.startswith(SEARCH):
            search = search_data(command.split(' ')[1])
            response = search
        except KeyError:
            response = 'This search key does not exist.'
        except TypeError:
            response = 'Wrong search input'

This is an example search command that I import from another python script:

def search_data(keyword):

result = []
for key, value in data.items():
    first = value['first']
    last = value['last']
    if keyword in first:
    elif keyword in last:
return result

This is an example JSON:

"1": {
  "id": "1",
  "first": "Joe",
  "last": "Adam"
"2": {
  "id": "2",
  "first": "Mary",
  "last": "Smith"
"3": {
    "id": "3",
    "first": "Ann",
    "last": "John"

I have another output which I format using this line of code and I want to format my list output the same way.

response = '*ID:* {}\n *First:* {}\n *Last:*

The expected output is for the user to enter a search in slack using the slackbot. The user can input "search J" for example and the output lists the matching set of values that have a J in either the "first" or "last" values. My current output is something like:


but I want to format it like:

ID: 1
First: Joe
Last: Adam

ID: 2
First: Ann
Last: John


  • this should do it

    "\n\n".join([f"ID: {out['id']}\nFirst: {out['first']}\nLast: {out['last']}" for out in result])